Practical Advice for New Ukulele Players

Many people take up a musical instrument at the beginning of a new year, but making a habit out of playing consistently is hard! In this video I give you some things to think about, so that you can go forward with your instrument in a way that’s more purposeful and practical, so that you can build a practice that will last a lifetime.

Video Details

Know Why You're Doing This — 0:38

Why do you want to play the ukulele? Being mindful of your reasons for playing will help you make and achieve goals more purposefully.

Process Your Musical Past — 1:26

Before you spend too much time with your ukulele, take some time to reflect on your relationship with music up to this point in your life, especially if you took music lessons when you were younger. Many of us had complex relationships with our instruments as kids, often times feeling like we weren’t meeting our parents’ and/or teachers’ expectations (or even our own), in a way that still haunts us to this day. Take the time to process your past in order to avoid having those negative memories impact your future with the ukulele.

Establish the Habit — 2:39

Plan for the future, because creating and sticking to a new habit is hard! Let's get realistic, practical, and specific— Where and when will you play?

Praise Yourself — 6:01

Become your own biggest fan. Congratulate yourself every time you pick up your ukulele. Praise yourself for every little uke-related thing you can think of so that you can build momentum and develop a positive outlook on your musical future.

Assemble a Support Team — 6:52

Who in your life will be your cheerleader as you embark on this new adventure? Involve your friends and family and let them know how they can support you in your new endeavor.

The ukulele is such a wonderful instrument and making music is one of the most joyful experiences we humans can have. If you need help getting started with your ukulele, check out my:

Resources for New Ukulele Players